amc 500

Mini tool for innovative wet processes

The extremely compact and fully automatic spinner is optimized for flexible single wafer wet processes and thus, perfectly
complements our series of single-wafer-process tools. The system offers very flexible application possibilities in cleaning, lift-off and etching of wafers and masks. Our new, unique solutions for precise media temperature control and recycling, and therefore saving of etchants, support our customers by enabling precise processes and, at the same time, reducing costs as well as the impact on the environment.


  • Wafer diameters: 2” up to 300 mm or up to 9 x 9”
  • Up to 2 I/O stations for 2” to 200 mm open cassettes or 300 mm FOUP
  • Max. 3 integrated individual chemical supply systems (more possible in external media unit)
  • 1 two-link robot handler with single end effector for low contact handling
  • Outer dimensions W x L: 740 x 1360 mm
  • A separate enclosure of the process area made of resistant material extends the safety features.

Beneficial Highlights:

New chemicals–temperature control: eliminates the need for pre dispense before etching. Inadvertent mixing of chemicals almost
becomes impossible.

Proven amc key features: amc500 stands out among all other amc models due to all proven technical features and its modern, user
friendly machine design. Through-the-wall installation is possible, as well as flexible machine adjustments and easy maintenance.

Safe: the equipment is designed in accordance with the newest safety regulations. A separate enclosure of the process area made of resistant material extends the safety features.

Space saving: amc500 stands out due to its minimal outer dimensions of only 600 x 1215 mm. Even so, up to 3 vessels of chemicals can be stored, tempered and reused within the system housing at the same time.

Full process control: each selected process is managed by the relevant module of our comfortable amcoss amsPILOT software complying with Semi-Standard E95-1101.

Wet-process modules with multiple options

amc etching module

Etching of a multitude of round and square wafers and masks
Various etching processes as standard solutions available
Precise media tempering solution and control

amc cleaning module

Cleaning of wafer frontside, backside and edge bevel
Various cleaning methods as standard solutions available
Large area megasonic

amc lift-off module

High-pressure lift-off

High-pressure lift-off
Unique lift-off process with large-area megasonic
High- or medium-pressure cleaning with DIW or solvents
Special reclaim solution for minimal media consumption
Easy recycling of lifted metals
Programmable wafer backside, topside and bowl rinse

amc media unit

External unit for the storage of additional media vessels (supplementary to storage of 3 vessels inside the tool housing)
Reclaim, tempering and mixing is possible
Ready for bulk filling via fab supply

Optional configurations

Media reclaim
Concentration monitoring
Filter fan unit with antistatic discharge system
Optical endpoint detection

amc500 – new dimensions in chrome etching

One possible application of amc500 is etching of a chrome layer on a glass substrate which is a standard process
step, e.g., in the fabrication of photomasks. During this process, the substrate is sprayed or rinsed with a suit able etching chemical. After only a brief contact with the chrome layer, the etchant – typically an expensive mixture containing valuable components like the rare earth metal Cerium – is being drained. Therefore, only a small fraction of the etchant is being used, while a major part of it is inefficiently going down the drain when it could have been used to etch another layer.

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